The MacBook Air is powerful, yet small enough to carry comfortably with one hand. It features a Retina display which makes images, video, and the web look pin-sharp. It can be plugged into a 5K monitor and used as a desktop computer. It’s also a beautiful device to behold.

MacBook Air Guide is the perfect companion for your new Mac. Brought to you by the expert team at Leaf Publishing, and written by best-selling technology author Thomas Anthony, MacBook Air Guidebook is packed with top tips and in-depth tutorials. 

You'll learn about key MacBook Air features, such as the Touch ID, discover how to use macOS and its built-in apps, plus much more. By the time you've finished reading MacBook Air Guidebook, you'll be an expert in nearly everything MacBook and macOS related.

Inside you'll discover:
- Everything you need to know about MacBook Air
- How to set up your Mac
- How to use Touch ID and the TrackPad
- Detailed app tutorials
- How to edit photos
- Essential settings and configurations & much more!

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