One of the attractive parts of this self-teaching course is how smoothly it flows from one volume to the next. There are no gaps in the teaching process, no unnecessary reviews, just a seamless continuation of learning how to play the piano.

Having introduced the C major, G7 and F major chords in Volume 1, you will now be able to play many more familiar songs using these three chords in the arrangements. This will make a very big difference in how and what you play. The songs will sound significantly fuller and more musical.

New songs include Love Somebody; a cute song with a timely lyric, Money Can’t Buy Ev’rything; Beautiful Brown Eyes; Happy Birthday to You; Standing in the Need of Prayer; The Gift to be Simple; Alouette; Lavender’s Blue; Kum-Ba-Yah; London Bridge; Michael Row the Boat Ashore; and Rock It Away! Also included are many more enjoyable songs that may be less familiar to you but are a lot of fun to play.

As far as expanding your musical skills, after playing in the C position in Volume 1, you will now be learning to play in the G and middle C positions. New chords include the G major, D7, and a new version of the C major chord.

New music fundamentals and techniques introduced include sharps & flats, block & broken chords, how to use the damper pedal, how to play gradually louder and softer with the crescendo & diminuendo signs, the fermata sign, eighth notes, dotted quarter notes, and very short notes that include the staccato sign. With proper practice and observing Gayle Kowalchyk’s instructions, you will now be playing more smoothly and musically than ever before.

What is very important for students of all ages is, however, your hands and fingers will probably become more flexible and stronger as you continue to play, making certain functions in your daily life somewhat easier. And you will be accomplishing all this while having a lot of fun.