Online Survival Gear
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about internet marketing survival gear; online survival gear. Those little things that make life easier online. Someone recently asked me the questions, “Hey Omar, what tools do you use? What do you use everyday?”
![image]( Survival Gear.png)
In this episode, we’re going to be talking about internet marketing survival gear; online survival gear. Those little things that make life easier online. Someone recently asked me the questions, “Hey Omar, what tools do you use? What do you use everyday?” There are so many. There are some that I use every single day, there are some that I use every single day that I couldn’t live without. There’s some that I couldn’t live without but I don’t use every single day. There’s a lot of little things that I use that are free and there’s a lot of little things that I use that I've paid for. I asked myself that question. I said, “Let me write down the really, really, really, important things should come right to mind.” I kind of created this list of my online survival gear, the little softwares and things that I use on a regular basis. Some of them are free. The great majority of them are actually free, and then some of them are actually software tools that I use in my business that are not free. I wanted to give you an idea of what it is that I use and how it is that I use it.
When I created this list—I hope I didn’t duplicate anything. There may be something doubled here. I actually have two lists. You’ll notice that I have different colors. Green is something that I definitely, definitely use every single day. Then, the orange stuff that I pretty much use everyday, almost everyday; every other day, or a couple times a week. The ones that are in black are stuff that I use all the time, that I need in my business, I just don’t use them every single day. Maybe it might go a week without me using them. By far, these are very, very important pieces of my business.