Fitness Video Vibes
Have You Ever Seen Any Workout Videos That Work?! Is the fact that you would like to know the best workout videos to improve your fitness but just don't know how and hence mak...
The Pit Workout The Pit workout is the first of ten fitness video vibes that can help you lose weight and become fit. This workout presented in two DVDs features John Hackelman who is the trainer of Chuck Liddell, the current UFC LHW Champion. It is, as you can guess, primarily for fitness and strength building and thus involves full body, upper body, and lower body exercises.
Upper Body Routine Like other workouts, the Pit workout for upper body strengthening starts with short stretching – elephants, jumping jacks, chain breakers, punching techniques and arm rotations. After this warm-up Hackelman leads you to the first routine- 30 seconds of shadow boxing followed by 30 seconds of burpees, then back. The routine covers 5 minutes. A water break lasting 45 seconds ends the first round.